Hypnotherapy is a safe and natural
state of deep relaxation that communicates with your subconscious mind.

Your subconscious is responsible for ninety percent of your habits, thoughts and feelings.

Hypnotherapy reprograms behaviours that are unhelpful or holding you back. It accesses and strengthens your internal skills and resources to come up with solutions to problems. Developing a positive mind-set that reflects the real GLOWING you. 

Hypnosis is experienced during daydreaming, intense concentration and when entering or exiting sleep, but does not involve loss of consciousness or surrender of control.

Hypnosis is a powerful tool that helps you dive deep and heal fast. It is very effective for anxiety, stress, overwhelm, trauma, PTSD and self-belief.

Hypnotherapy can help you: 

  • Free yourself from anxiety 

  • Let go of stress and overwhelm 

  • Overcome trauma 

  • Maximise performance and creativity

  • Improve confidence and self-esteem

  • Reprogram a negative mind set cycle

“Until you make the unconscious, conscious it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
Carl Jung

Hypnotherapy is based on neuroscience.
Your brain has the ability to change it’s called neuroplasticity.
Neuroplasticity is the ability to reveal and create new neural pathways bringing transformation, healing and empowerment. 

10 benefits of tapping into the subconscious 

  1. Eliminate behaviours that are unhelpful

  2. Break patterns or loops of behaviour that are keeping you stuck 

  3. Strengthens positive neural pathways

  4. Alleviate stress and overwhelm 

  5. Find your inner glow 

  6. Unlock deep - rooted thought patterns that you were unaware of 

  7. Gain a deeper understanding of yourself 

  8. Overcome fears, phobias and negative thought patterns 

  9. Gain access to experiences and information that is not available to the conscious mind 

  10.  Leads to personal growth and self-improvement


I am trained in Solution Focused Hypnotherapy. 

This is an effective combination of psychotherapy (talking therapy) and hypnosis. SFH is a very positive therapy because you do not need to focus on the trauma or problem, but take positive steps towards your future while reprogramming and updating any outdated beliefs, behaviours and thoughts via your subconscious mind.

The benefits of this type of therapy:

  • It believes that you have the resources and abilities to create change with me to help guide you there 

  • It puts in place strategies that help you work towards your preferred future

  • It is efficient and effective and generally only takes 8 to 12 sessions 

  • It is positive and constructive and doesn’t dwell on the past 

  • It is part talking therapy and part deep relaxation – my clients look forward to the second half where the subconscious does all the work 

  • It is empowering 

  • It gives you a tool kit to use after we have finished working together